- NAADAC 192243
Applies To:
Addiction Counselors
Our distance learning course credits are accepted for continuing education credit as set forth by the GACA. However, we are not a GACA approved education provider and our courses do not have GACA provider number.
Renewal GACA will accept up to 20 hours of our courses for recertification.
Of the 40 hours required, 20 hours must have a clearly visible GACA Provider Number, be in-classroom face-to-face continuing education. A total of 6 hours of Ethics, and 6 hours of Telemental Health must be included in the 40 hours.
Initial Certification
For initial certification GACA accepts up to 144 hours of our courses (for CAC I) and up to 216 hours of our courses (for CAC II). Please be sure to check Board regulations regarding specific content requirements for initial certification.
CE-Credit.com is a service of CE Learning Systems LLC. CE Learning Systems is approved to offer continuing educations courses by NAADAC and many ICRC certification boards. CE Learning Systems LLC maintains responsibility for the courses.
Our companion site, https://www.addictioncounselorce.com, is specifically focused on the CE needs of addiction counselors and offers a greater quantity and variety of substance abuse-specific courses.
Board Contact Info
Georgia Addiction Counselor Association
4015 South Cobb Drive SE
Suite 160
Smyrna, GA 30080
(770) 434-1000
Certified Addiction Counselor I
RENEWAL - Of the 40 hours required, 20 hours must have a clearly visible GACA Provider Number, be in-classroom face-to-face continuing education. INITIAL - 6 hours of ethics training, 18 hours of cultural diversity training, and 3 hours of HIV/AIDS education. 6 hours of education in Tele Counseling or other equivalent training such as Telemental Health, E-Counseling, or E-Therapy must be documented. Minimum 100 contact hours within the past 5 years and at least 36 credits must come from a GACA provider with a GACA number.
Initial Credential
180 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for earning your CACI initial credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CACI credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for renewing your CACI credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CACI credential.
Course Description | Medium |
42 CFR Part 2 July 2020 Update
2 CE credit hours
Errors, Boundaries, Patient Safety; Professional Readiness; Ethics |
Reading-Based Online |
Certified Addiction Counselor II
RENEWAL - Of the 40 hours required, 20 hours must have a clearly visible GACA Provider Number, be in-classroom face-to-face continuing education. INITIAL - 6 hours of ethics training, 27 hours of cultural diversity training, and 3 hours of HIV/AIDS education. 6 hours of education in Tele Counseling or other equivalent training such as Telemental Health, E-Counseling, or E-Therapy must be documented. Minimum 160 contact hours within the past 5 years and at least 54 credits must come from a GACA provider with a GACA number.
Initial Credential
270 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for earning your CAC II initial credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CAC II credential.
Credential Renewal
40 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for renewing your CAC II credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CAC II credential.
Course Description | Medium |
42 CFR Part 2 July 2020 Update
2 CE credit hours
Errors, Boundaries, Patient Safety; Professional Readiness; Ethics |
Reading-Based Online |
Certified Clinical Supervisor
Renewal 3.0 hour Professional Ethics for Clinical Supervisors Initial three (3) hours of training in Professional Ethics for Clinical Supervisors and include 27.0 didactic training hours in each of the following areas: Assessment/Evaluation, Counselor Development, Management/ Administration, and Professional Responsibilities.
Initial Credential
30 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for earning your CCS initial credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CCS credential.
Credential Renewal
15 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for renewing your CCS credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CCS credential.
Course Description | Medium |
42 CFR Part 2 July 2020 Update
2 CE credit hours
Errors, Boundaries, Patient Safety; Professional Readiness; Ethics |
Reading-Based Online |
Renewal - 20 training/continuing education hours obtained through a GACA approved education provider and 60 other acceptable credits. Initial 20 training/continuing education hours obtained through a GACA approved education provider that must include Ethics (6 hours), Telemental Health (6 hours) 42 CFR Part 2 (6 hours), and CCIT Orientation (2 hours)
Initial Credential
20 CE credit hours required for initial credential.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for earning your CCIT initial credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CCIT credential.
Credential Renewal
60 CE credit hours required for renewal.
Yes You can use CE-Credit.com for renewing your CCIT credential.
Any course accepted by GACA is applicable to the CCIT credential.
Course Description | Medium |
42 CFR Part 2 July 2020 Update
2 CE credit hours
Errors, Boundaries, Patient Safety; Professional Readiness; Ethics |
Reading-Based Online |
Telehealth, 6.00 CE credit hours
Tele Counseling or other equivalent training such as Telemental Health, E-Counseling, or E-Therapy
CE-Credit.com offers 6 courses applicable to this requirement.
103345: Reviewing the Availability Efficacy and Clinical Utility of Telepsychology in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Tele-DBT), 1.75 CE credit hour - 103340: Walking the Ethical Line in Providing Telemental Health Services, 3 CE credit hours
- 103268: Online and Distance Behavioral Health Practitioners: Ethics and Risk-management Challenges, 3 CE credit hours
- 103126: Telehealth for the Treatment of Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders, 3.5 CE credit hours
- 102816: Efficacy of a Web-Based Intervention for Concerned Spouses of Service Members and Veterans With Alcohol Misuse, 1.25 CE credit hour
- View All 6 Courses
Cultural Diversity, 18.00 CE credit hours
CAC I 18 credits and CAC II 27 credits.
CE-Credit.com offers 39 courses applicable to this requirement.
103593: The Cultural Adaption of a Sobriety Support App for Alaska Native and American Indian People:, 1 CE credit hour - 103565: Behavioral Addiction from the Asian Americans Perspective:, 1.25 CE credit hour
- 103441: Predictors of Therapeutic Alliance Treatment Feedback and Clinical Outcomes Among African American Women in Treatment for Co-Occurring PTSD and SUD, 1 CE credit hour
- 103430: Coming Together for Something Good:, 1.25 CE credit hour
- 103381: Partnering With Native Communities to Develop a Culturally Grounded Intervention for Substance Use Disorder, 1 CE credit hour
- View All 39 Courses
Ethics, 6.00 CE credit hours
CE-Credit.com offers 18 courses applicable to this requirement.
103472: Termination and Abandonment: Best Ethical Practices for Clinicians, 3 CE credit hours - 103447: The Interplay of Ethics Motivational Interviewing, 3 CE credit hours
- 103438: Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Practice Presented by the Use of Technology, 3 CE credit hours
- 103386: Spirituality Diversity and Ethical Decision-Making: The Inclusive Wesleyan Quadrilateral Discernment Model, 1 CE credit hour
- 103359: Reach Out and Shrink Someone-Clinical Practice in the Age of Technology, 3 CE credit hours
- View All 18 Courses
HIV, 3.00 CE credit hours
CE-Credit.com offers 7 courses applicable to this requirement.
103039: Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living With Substance Use and Or Mental Disorders, 4 CE credit hours - 103000: Motivational Interviewing With Couples-A Theoretical Framework for Clinical Practice Illustrated in Substance Use and HIV Prevention Intervention With Gay Male Couples, 1.75 CE credit hour
- 102852: Drugs and HIV in People Over 50, 2.25 CE credit hours
- 102700: Common Comorbidities With Substance Use Disorders, 1.25 CE credit hour
- 102698: Challenges Facing a Rural Opioid Epidemic-Treatment and Prevention of HIV and Hepatitis C, 1.5 CE credit hour
- View All 7 Courses
42 CFR Part 2, 6.00 CE credit hours
This is only required for initial CCITs and we currently only offer 2 credits in this area.
We do not currently offer courses to fulfill this requirement.
Course Description | Medium |
Community-based Models of Care Facilitating the Recovery of People Living With Persistent and Complex Mental Health Needs: A systematic review and narrative synthesis
3.25 CE credit hours
Clinical Topics & Methods; Clinical Disorders (Adult); Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |
Adolescent Suicide: Understanding Unique Risks and Opportunities for Trauma Centers to Recognize, Intervene, and Prevent a Leading Cause of Death
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Children and Adolescents; Application to Practice; Professional Readiness |
Reading-Based Online |
A Meta-analytic Review of Anger Management Activities That Increase Or Decrease Arousal: What fuels or douses rage?
1.75 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Clinical Disorders (Adult); Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |
Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Sexual Abuse; Domestic Violence; Application to Practice; Family/Couple |
Reading-Based Online |
A Community Engaged Approach in Adapting Motivational Interviewing and Skills Training for Native Americans With Experiences of Substance Misuse
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Clinical Disorders (Adult); Cultural & Racial Diversity; Treatment Knowledge; Cultural Diversity; Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |
Childhood Trauma Personality and Substance Use Disorder:: The Development of a Neuropsychoanalytic Addiction Model
1.75 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Medical Health, Pharmacology; Understanding Addiction; Application to Practice; Treatment Knowledge |
Reading-Based Online |
Flash Technique in a Scalable Low-intensity Group Intervention for COVID-19 Related Stress in Healthcare Providers
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Medical Health, Pharmacology; Clinical Disorders (Adult); Treatment Knowledge; Application to Practice; Pharmacology |
Reading-Based Online |
Psychotherapeutic Techniques for Distressing Memories: A Comparative Study between EMDR, Brainspotting, and Body Scan Meditation
1 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Treatment Knowledge; Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |
Decision 'Making and Relationship Competence When Reporting Suspected Physical Abuse and Child Neglect:: An Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation
1.5 CE credit hour
Laws, Regulations, Legal; Ethics; Clinical Topics & Methods; Ethics; Prevention |
Reading-Based Online |
Solution Focused Brief Therapy Telemental Health Suicide Intervention
1.25 CE credit hour
Clinical Topics & Methods; Technology; Clinical Disorders (Adult); Treatment Knowledge; Application to Practice |
Reading-Based Online |