Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Missouri and Kansas with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field. She has held clinical positions as an outpatient and in-home therapist, and clinical supervisor. Diane was an Adjunct Professor of Social Work for 10 years at The University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare and a Field Liaison and Field Instructor. She has also held administrative positions as a program Director and Coordinator. Diane is a popular local and national trainer on a wide variety of mental health and workplace development topics for clinicians and corporations. Diane is most passionate about providing quality professional development to clinicians, employees, and leaders.
Articles written by Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW
Sep 3rd, 2024
Suicide May Be Less About Death Than We Think
“As soon as my hands left the railing, it was instant regret”, says Kevin Hines, a suicide survivor. Statistically, only one percent of people who jump off the Golden Gate Bridge survive, which equates to about 40 survivors out of the estimated 2,000...
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