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The Social Work Psychoanalysts Casebook: A Tribute to the Work of Jean Sanville

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About the Course

This course offers differing approaches to psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Using multiple authors, who are trained in social work, this book describes concepts such as transference, countertransference, enactment, attachment theory, assessment and the application of these concepts to practice. The reader will also learn ideas about ways to approach the various phases in treatment, beginnings, endings, vacation interruptions and a patient who returns to therapy after many months.

This course is based on the book, The Social Work Psychoanalysts Casebook: A Tribute to the Work of Jean Sanville created by Joyce Edward (editor) and Elaine Rose

Publication Date


Course Material Author

Joyce Edward (editor) and Elaine Rose

Joyce Edward, MSSW is training and supervising analyst at the Society for Psychoanalytic Study and Research and the New York School of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy; Distinguished Practitioner in Social Work, NAP; Author of numerous articles and co-author Separation-Individuation: Theory and Application and Fostering Healing and Growth: A Psychoanalytic Social Work Approach. Elaine Rose, MSW Training and Supervising Analyst at the Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies and teaches and supervises at the Wright Institute; member IPA; Distinguished Practitioner in Social Work NAP.

Joyce Edward (editor) and Elaine Rose authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator

Recommended For

This course is recommended for health care professionals, especially psychologists, counselors, social workers, and nurses who seek knowledge about intervention strategies. It is appropriate for all levels of participants' knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. The reader will learn: Differing theories and approaches to managing trauma and difficult to engage patients
  2. Ways of working with patients at different phases of treatment such as beginnings, vacation breaks, and terminations.
  3. Thinking about the use of transference and engagement in the beginnings of treatment.
  4. Ways to work with patients who are returning to the same or new therapist for further analysis.


This course is available starting Dec 16th, 2005 and expires Dec 13th, 2018

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Course Retired
Course Number 100281
6 CE credit hours
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