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Don't Stop the Career Clock: Rejecting the Myths of Aging for a New Way to Work in the 21st Century

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About the Course

As legions of baby boomers approach retirement age, this important call to action outlines the steps to thriving as an older worker in a newly defined work world. Dispelling the stereotypes of aging that prevail in our culture, Helen Harkness champions a radical approach to aging and working for the new century. With inspiring stories of people who created their most satisfying careers at an age when others were being “put out to pasture,” Harkness shatters the myth that growing older equals biological, mental, psychological, and creative decline and encourages us instead to reset our career clocks. Her book charts a clear course for rethinking our future and finding career fulfillment in later life, with exercises, self-assessments, and worksheets for each step along the way. Practical information shows readers how to find the order in the chaos of our Information Age, shake loose from old stereotypes to creatively integrate aging and working, tell time differently—functionally, not chronologically—and develop success criteria and the action steps needed to get there.

This course is based on the book, Don’t Stop the Career Clock: Rejecting the Myths of Aging for a New Way to Work in the 21st Century created by Helen Harkness, Ph.D.

Course Material Author

Helen Harkness, Ph.D.

Dr. Harkness is a pioneer in the development of career management programs. She is the founder of Career Design Associates, Inc. in Dallas, Texas. She has provided career change counseling services to over 6,000 individuals clients and numerous organizations during her long career as a futurist, educator, researcher and entrepreneur.

Helen Harkness, Ph.D. authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. to discuss the myths of aging and working
  2. to explain the difference between telling time functionally rather that chronologically
  3. to describe steps on how to reset the Career Clock with action steps and exercieses


This course is available starting Jan 18th, 2004 and expires Sep 7th, 2015

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