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Assessment of Child Maltreatment and Battered Women

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About the Course

This course contains two articles. Article I ( Nature and Consequences of Personality Problems in Maltreating Caregivers )
In this article the authors develop a theoretical model that views caregivers who repeatedly maltreat their children as limited in providing appropriate parenting responses to their offspring because of psychosocial problems that pervade most sectors of their functioning. The proposed theoretical model targets 3 interacting dimensions of personality functioning (interpersonal relationship capacity, emotion regulation and self-esteem maintenance). Implications for the development of assessment and intervention strategies and for empirical testing of the model are outlined.

Article 2 ( Choice Within Entrapment and Entrapment Within Choice )
The authors explore the differential meaning of choice among battered women who stay in violent relationships and challenge the either/or paradigm that equates leaving with choice and staying with entrapment.
I. Motivation for Maltreatment
II. Maladaptive Mental Processes and Personality Traits
III. Conceptual Summary
IV. Implications for Assessment Intervention and Research
V. Conclusions
I. Entrapment-The Mechanism Accounting for Battered Women Who Stay
II. Choice-The Mechanism Accounting for Battered Women Who Stay
III. Method
IV. Findings
V. Discussion

This course is based on the reading-based online article, Assessment of Child Maltreatment and Battered Women created by Elsa Maziali, PhD et al


Families in Society

Publication Date

2003/ Vol. 84, No. 4

Course Material Authors

Course Material Authors authored the material only, and were not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Elsa Maziali, PhD

(Article 1) Professor Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto

Thecla Damianakis

(Article 1) Doctoral Candidate Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto

Nico Trocme

(Article 1) Assistant Professor Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto

Adital Ben-Ari, PhD

(Article 2) Senior Lecturer School of Social Work University of Haifa

Zeev Winstock, PhD

(Article 2) Lecturer Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Studies University of Haifa

Zvi Eisikovits, PhD

(Article 2) Professor Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Studies University of Haifa

Course Creator

Recommended For

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, psychologists, and other human services and behavioral health professionals who seek knowledge about child and domestic abuse. It is appropriate for participants with intermediate to advanced levels of knowledge about the topic.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Identify the differential meaning of choice among battered women who stay in violent relationships.
  2. Identify the above model's implications for the development of assesment and intervention strategies.
  3. Identify the rationale for a psychosocial theoretical model of caregivers who maltreat children.


This course is available starting Mar 29th, 2006 and expires Apr 22nd, 2012

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Course Retired

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