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A Brief Overview of Energy Psychology: Snake Oil Or Designer Tool for Neural Change

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About the Course

“Energy psychology,” sometimes called “psychological acupressure,” combines established clinical procedures with tapping on acupuncture points. This sends electrical signals to specific areas of the brain involved in information processing and promotes neural reorganization. In the space of a decade, energy psychology has moved from a set of interventions that had generated little support and strong skepticism among therapists to becoming perhaps the most popular psychological approach in history, with more than 6 million visits in June 2013 to the top five websites representing the topic and more than half a million people participating in the 2013 online “Tapping Summit.” Its reported effectiveness with trauma led numerous disaster relief groups to adapt it before research had evaluated it, but subsequent studies have now demonstrated its efficacy with PTSD along with numerous other conditions. However, its techniques still look strange, its use of terms like “energy” and “thought fields” do not fit conventional paradigms, and many therapists are still trying to make sense of this recent development. This course, based on an article published in Psychotherapy Networker, provides a quick introduction for clinicians curious about whether to learn more about the approach.

This course is based on the reading-based online article, A Brief Overview of Energy Psychology: Snake Oil Or Designer Tool for Neural Change created by David Feinstein, Ph.D. in 2010.

Publication Date

November, 2010

Course Material Author

David Feinstein, Ph.D.

David Feinstein, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who has served on the faculties of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Antioch College. Author or co-author of eight books and more than 80 professional articles, he has been a pioneer in developing innovative approaches in the areas of energy psychology and energy medicine. His books have won nine national awards, including the U.S. Book News Best Psychology/Mental Health Book in 2007 (for Personal Mythology) and an Indies Best Books Award (for The Promise of Energy Psychology). He and his wife, Donna Eden, founded and still direct what is now the world's largest organization teaching Energy Medicine. Their more than 750 certified practitioners are serving thousands of clients and teaching hundreds of classes in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. To learn more about his approach to Energy Psychology, visit

David Feinstein, Ph.D. authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator

Recommended For

This course is recommended for health care professionals, especially psychologists and counselors who seek more knowledge about Energy Psychology. It is appropriate for all levels of participants' knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the philosophical and therapeutic approach of Energy Psychology.
  2. Describe the therapeutic outcomes of Energy Psychology.


This course is available starting Aug 7th, 2013 and expires Oct 30th, 2020

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Course Retired
Course Number 102024
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  • Reading-Based Online
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