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Disaster Technical Assistance Center Supplemental Research Bulletin-Behavioral Health Conditions in Children and Youth Exposed to Natural Disasters

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About the Course

Each year, natural disasters affect an average of 224 million individuals worldwide, and about 85.2 million in North America. Children under the age of 18 comprise nearly 25 percent of the United States’ population, or 74 million Americans (National Commission on Children and Disasters, 2010). In a representative sample of children ages 2 to 17 years, 13.9 percent had been exposed to a disaster in their lifetime, while 4.1 percent of the sample reported experiencing a disaster in the past year (Becker-Blease, Turner, & Finkelhor, 2010). As these statistics reflect, many children are exposed to disasters, and they constitute a population with particular risks and needs during and after disasters (Becker-Blease, Turner, & Finkelhor, 2010; National Commission on Children and Disasters, 2010).

This course is based on the article,Disaster Technical Assistance Center Supplemental Research Bulletin-Behavioral Health Conditions in Children and Youth Exposed to Natural Disasters created by SAMHSA in 2018.

Publication Date

September 2018

Course Material Author


SAMHSA authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator

L.A. Rankin

L.A. Rankin is a social worker with experience in many different settings with a variety of clients. She has worked with dementia and Alzheimers patients, dual diagnosis MH/MR, in a battered women’s shelter, and a rape crisis center. She also has 11 years of experience as a child protective social worker, where she earned certificates in domestic abuse/family violence and substance abuse.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Acknowledge the prevalence of natural disasters and their unique circumstances.
  2. Recognize a triaged tiered approach to immediate, short-term, and long-term treatment.
  3. Identify specific treatment approaches designed to treat children surviving natural disasters.


This course is available starting Aug 29th, 2019 and expires Mar 30th, 2023

Disclosure to Learners

Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships

Course Material in PDF format

References begin on page 16.

Course Material in PDF format

Course Material in Word format

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Course Retired
Course Number 102518
1 CE credit hour
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