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Moderators of the Effects of Indicated Group and Bibliotherapy Cognitive Behavioral Depression Presentation Programs on Adolescents' Depressive Symptoms and Depressive Disorder Onset

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About the Course

This course is based on a research study comparing effects/benefits and moderating factors of cognitive/behavioral group therapy to cognitive/behavioral bibliotherapy. The study is a randomize control trial of adolescents that measures outcomes immediately after treatment and followed participants for the next 24 months.

This course is based on the article, Moderators of the effects of indicated group and bibliotherapy cognitive behavioral depression presentation programs on adolescents’ depressive symptoms and depressive disorder onset created by Sina Müller, et al. in 2015.

Publication Date


Course Material Authors

Course Material Authors authored the material only, and were not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Sina Müller,

University of Tübingen

Paul Rohde, Ph.D.

Dr. Rohde is a Senior Research Scientist at Oregon Research Institute (ORI). His current research focuses on the prevention of adolescent depression, eating disorders, and obesity, and on the treatment of comorbid depression and substance use disorders. He has published over 150 research-based articles.

Jeff M. Gau,

Jeff Gau, M.S., is a senior data analyst at Oregon Research Institute. He has extensive experience in the analysis of prospective data in the context of epidemiological studies, quasi-experimental designs, randomized clinical trials, and group randomized clinical trials.

Course Creator

Paul Pawlicki, PsyD, LP

Paul Pawlicki, PsyD, received his degree in clinical psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, IL, in 2005. From 2004-2006, he taught courses in general psychology, abnormal psychology, and human sexuality at Collin College in Plano, TX. He currently practices individual therapy at the Department of Sexual Medicine at Park Nicollet Health Health Services near Minneapolis, MN.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge. This material is at an intermediate level.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. To identify the comparison of treatment benefits of a cognitive/behavioral group therapy treatment condition, a cognitive/behavioral bibliotherapy group condition, and a brochure control group condition
  2. To identify moderators that improve depressive symptom reduction in adolescents
  3. To identify moderators that improve the prevention of any/further depressive symptoms in adolescents


This course is available starting Apr 6th, 2020 and expires Mar 30th, 2023

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Course Retired
Course Number 102764
1.75 CE credit hour
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  • Reading-Based Online
Exam Fee $10.45
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