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Motivational Interviewing to Reduce Substance Use in Adolescents With Psychiatric Comorbidity

About the Course

This course examines the motivational interviewing approach in treating adolescents with psychiatric comorbidity in substance abuse. Moderators used were: gender, race, baseline use (cannabis, alcohol and any substance), internalizing behavior, and externalizing behavior. The authors found that the MI approach combined with TAU had a reduction in externalizing symptoms vs TAU alone.

This course is based on the article, Motivational Interviewing to Reduce Substance Use in Adolescents with Psychiatric Comorbidity created by Richard A. Brown, Ph.D. in 2016.

Publication Date


Course Material Authors

Course Material Authors authored the material only, and were not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Richard A. Brown, Ph.D.

Dr. Brown is a research professor at Brown University. Throughout his career, he has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a Principal Investigator (PI) since 1992, having received 17 NIH- and 2 American Cancer Society-funded grants as PI, totaling $23 million dollars. He has published multiple articles in peer reviewed journals.

Ana M. Abrantes, Ph.D.

Ana M. Abrantes, PhD, is an assistant professor (research) in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown Medical School and a research psychologist in the Addictions Research Group at Butler Hospital. Dr. Abrantes is currently involved in the development of cognitive-behavioral and aerobic exercise interventions for individuals with addictive behaviors and mental health problems. She has been published in multiple peer reviewed journals.

Haruka Minami, Ph.D.

Haruka Minami, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Fordham University. His work focuses on Smoking cessation and health disparities and he has been published in multiple peer reviewed journals.

Course Creator

L.A. Rankin

L.A. Rankin is a social worker with experience in many different settings with a variety of clients. She has worked with dementia and Alzheimers patients, dual diagnosis MH/MR, in a battered women’s shelter, and a rape crisis center. She also has 11 years of experience as a child protective social worker, where she earned certificates in domestic abuse/family violence and substance abuse.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge. This content is at an intermediate level.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Acknowledge the need for treating adolescents with SUD and comorbid psychiatric disorders, and the dearth of research and services for this population.
  2. Identify the most used drugs and the relationship between drug use and psychiatric symptoms.
  3. Summarize the outcomes of the study, including latency to use, abstinence and reduction or improvement of psychiatric symptoms.


This course is available starting Apr 28th, 2020 and expires Jan 4th, 2036

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NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)

1.5 CE credit hour

Eligible until Sep 28th, 2026

This course has been approved by CE Learning Systems, service provider of, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #107243, CE Learning Systems is responsible for all aspects of their programming.

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Course Material

References begin on page 14.

Course Material

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Course Number 102780
1.5 CE credit hour
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  • Reading-Based Online
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