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The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love - Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits (Part 1)

About the Course

This book provides groundbreaking answers to the most important questions about addiction. Dr. Judson Brewer reveals how we can tap into the very processes that encourage addictive behaviors in order to step out of them. In Part 1, he describes the mechanisms of habit and addiction formation in smoking, technology, ourselves, distraction, thinking, and love. Weaving together patient stories, his own experience with mindfulness practice, and current scientific findings from his own lab and others, Dr. Brewer offers a path for moving beyond our cravings, reducing stress, and ultimately living a fuller life.

This course is based on the first six chapters of the book, The Craving Mind: From Cigarettes to Smartphones to Love- Why We Get Hooked and How We Can Break Bad Habits created by Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D. in 2017.

Publication Date

1st Mar 2017

Course Material Author

Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D.

Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D, is the director of research and innovation at Brown University's Mindfulness Center and associate professor in behavioral and social sciences in the Brown School of Public Health. He is also an associate professor of psychiatry at Brown's Warren Alpert Medical School. Dr. Brewer is an internationally known expert in mindfulness training for treating addictions. He has developed and tested novel mindfulness programs for habit change, including both in-person and app-based treatments for smoking, emotional eating, and anxiety.

Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D. authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator

Elizabeth Mosco, Ph.D., PMH-C

Elizabeth Mosco, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in Reno, NV. She opened a private practice after 10 years of conducting home-based assessment and therapy with the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System. Dr. Mosco’s clinical interests include maternal mental health, older adults, and third wave cognitive behavioral therapies.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe reward-based learning.
  2. Recognize the components of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
  3. Summarize the use of social media on one's behavior.
  4. Define subjective bias and describe how it influences our mental simulations.
  5. Describe how brain activity differs between novice and expert meditators during meditation.
  6. Summarize how brain activity differs when one is in love versus "addicted" to love.


This course is available starting Dec 28th, 2020 and expires Jan 4th, 2037

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NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)

8 CE credit hours

Eligible until Sep 28th, 2026

This course has been approved by CE Learning Systems, service provider of, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #107243, CE Learning Systems is responsible for all aspects of their programming.

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Course Material

Test questions are based on Chapter 1 through 6 only.

Course Material

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Course Number 102971
8 CE credit hours
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