Supporting Safe and Healthy Schools for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer Students: A National Survey for School Counselors Social Workers and Psychologists
Total CE Credit Hours: 7 Course Info URL:
Given the critical role school mental health professionals play in the academic and emotional well-being of our nation’s students and the relative lack of national research examining the efforts of counselors, psychologists, and social workers to support LGBTQ students and create safer school environments, we undertook the Supporting Safe and Healthy Schools study to provide a detailed examination of school mental health providers’ perspectives and experiences regarding their support of LGBTQ students.
The report offers additional recommendations to build on the strong foundation of school mental health providers’ support for LGBTQ students, including ensuring school counselors, psychologists, and social workers are adequately prepared by their pre-service training to serve LGBTQ students, are aware of the position statements and ethical standards from their professional membership organizations’ related to LGBTQ youth issues in schools, and have access to self-directed knowledge-building opportunities and easy-to-implement supportive resources, such as GLSEN’s Safe Space Kit.
This course is based on the article, Supporting Safe and Healthy Schools for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Students: A National Survey for School Counselors, Social Workers, and Psychologists created by Ryan M. Kull, Ph.D., Emily A Greytak, Ph.D., and Joseph G. Kosciw, Ph.D. in 2019.
Publication Date
1st Edition 2019
Course Material Authors
Course Material Authors authored the material only, and were not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.
Ryan M. Kull, Ph.D.
Dr. Kull has been an educator, practitioner, and researcher in the mental health field for over 20 years, specializing in sexual orientation and gender identity issues, including HIV/AIDS, families and couples, adolescence, and aging. His research activities examine issues affecting LGBT people throughout the lifespan. Dr. Kull is the author and co-author of multiple juried papers, invited book chapters, and conference panels/symposia on LGBT-related health and mental health topics, including HIV/AIDS, STIs affecting MSM, bullying and harassment of LGBT youth, professional development, LGBT issues in education, and LGBT veterans.
Emily A Greytak, Ph.D.
Emily Greytak, PhD, is the ACLU’s Director of Research. She leads the ACLU’s policy research work – partnering with national staff, affiliates, and outside partners to develop, execute, and disseminate rigorous research that drives our policy and advocacy agenda. Greytak has been an applied researcher for two decades, working with a variety of organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, Family Justice, and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Prior to joining the ACLU in 2019, she served as Research Director at GLSEN, the leading organization focused on LGBTQ issues in education. During her tenure there, she ran the biennial National School Climate Survey and spearheaded a diverse array of projects, including the first national study of transgender youth experiences, an assessment of the bullying policies of all U.S. school districts, and examination of LGBTQ youth in the school-to-prison pipeline.
Joseph G. Kosciw, Ph.D.
Joseph G. Kosciw, Ph.D., is the Director of Research at GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. He trained as a family therapist and has worked as a school counselor and psychoeducational consultant in elementary and secondary schools. His research has focused on evaluation and program development of community based initiatives for LGBT adolescents and adults regarding health and well-being, community effects on family processes, and the family school connection. GLSEN Research focuses on understanding the school experiences of all students, specifically as they are related to issues regarding sexual orientation and gender identity/ expression, the school experiences of LGBT parents, perceptions of educators and school administrators regarding school climate, and the utility of school- and community based efforts regarding bullying and harassment.
Allison Brown holds a BS degree in Criminal Justice with a Psychology focus and a Master’s degree in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who currently works at a Long-Term Insurance company bringing clinical experience to claim processes. Additionally, she developed and continues to lead the Continuing Education Program for Social Workers and Nurses and often leads complex process improvement projects Prior to this, her primary focus was in mental health and worked in both the outpatient and inpatient settings providing support to adults with mental illness.
Recommended For
Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge.
Course Objectives:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
Acknowledge current perspectives on school climate, including school safety and the frequency of bullying and harassment facing LGBTQ students;
Comprehend graduate education and training on general issues regarding school safety, and their specific exposure to LGBTQ-related competency training;
Use ongoing continuing education experiences regarding the safety and well-being of LGBTQ students;
Identify attitudes and beliefs related to LGBTQ issues in schools;
Recognize self-efficacy regarding LGBTQ-related practices, i.e., their confidence in their abilities to engage in important tasks to support LGBTQ students, and
List specific efforts to support LGBTQ students, both direct, individual interventions, and school-level efforts to improve school climate and safety.
This course is available starting May 21st, 2021 and expires Jan 4th, 2029
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Planners and Reviewers
The planners of this activity have reported that they have no relevant financial relationships.
Material Authors
Any relevant financial disclosures for course material authors can be found in the article.
Course Creator
Allison Brown, LCSW 149014591 – No relevant financial relationships.
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