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Trauma-Informed Therapy With Transgender Individuals

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About the Course

Are you seeing more transgender clients in your trauma-informed practice? Do you have clients who you have worked with for years who are beginning to question their gender identity? Do you have questions about the difference between transgender identity and the presence of parts that are of varied genders? Come learn basic competencies and ethical guidelines for working with transgender clients. This introductory workshop will also help you understand important differences, similarities, and the overlap between gender dysphoria and dissociation. Whether you are currently working with a transgender client(s), anticipate future transgender patients in your practice, or are simply curious about this topic, this workshop will offer basic skills and explore meaningful questions about the interplay of trauma and transgender experience.

This course is based on the recorded webinar, Trauma-Informed Therapy with Transgender Individuals created by H.L. Himes, PsyD in 2021.

Publication Date

2021 Jun 2021

Course Material Author

H.L. Himes, PsyD

Dr. H.L. "Lou" Himes (they/them/theirs) is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in gender and LGBTQIA experiences. Lou is among the first group of health professionals to be recognized by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) as a GEI-certified gender specialist in mental health. Lou maintains a private practice near NYC where they work nearly exclusively with transgender individuals and provide consultation and educational seminars related to transgender competency in mental health. Lou has several publications related to the impact of oppressive policies on LGBTQIA individuals in religiously-affiliated institutions of higher education; they will be presenting on trauma-informed work with transgender individuals at the 2021 World Congress on Intergenerational Trauma and a webinar through ISST-D on trauma-informed therapy with transgender individuals in 2021. They are currently working toward a certificate in complex trauma and dissociation through ISST-D and learn every day from their clients--the greatest teachers. In their free time, Lou enjoys woodworking, gardening, and cooking for their spouse and son. Lou is the proud dog-parent of a very anxious chihuahua-miniature pinscher mix, Loki, who often serves as a test subject for Lou's trauma-informed therapeutic techniques.

H.L. Himes, PsyD authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator


These questions were created by staff and volunteers at ISSTD.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe mental health best practices for transgender individuals; including: affirming language; cultural norms; and an understanding of the mental health workers role in physical and social transition
  2. Identify and apply ethical standards for treatment of transgender individuals within the mental health field
  3. List differences and similarities between gender dysphoria and various aspects of structural


This course is available starting Jun 29th, 2021 and expires Apr 29th, 2023

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Course Retired

Categorized in:

Course Number 103059
1.5 CE credit hour
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  • Recorded Webinar
Exam Fee $8.96
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Course Materials $45.00

103 members have taken this course

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