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Prescriptions Without Pills

About the Course

Negative states—depression, anxiety, anger and addictive habits—are the common colds of mental health. Like mild physical illnesses however, they can cause much distress and, if left untreated, can lead to worse difficulties. This book is designed to help those who want to alleviate these difficulties with psychological savvy instead of medication. “PRESCRIPTIONS Without Pills” offers techniques for resolving the problems that have been provoking uncomfortable emotions and lead clients back to well being.

This course is based on the book, Prescription Without Pills created by Susan Heitler, PhD in 2021.

Publication Date

1st Edition Jan 2021

Course Material Author

Susan Heitler, PhD

Dr. Heitler, a graduate of Harvard, earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from NYU. In addition to her clinical practice Dr. Heitler has taught on the adjunct faculty at the University of Denver School of Professional Psychology, continues to write books and articles, and travels nationwide presenting workshops on therapy skills for state psychological associations and mental health professional conferences.

Susan Heitler, PhD authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator

Susan Heitler, PhD

Dr. Heitler, a graduate of Harvard, earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from NYU. In addition to her clinical practice Dr. Heitler has taught on the adjunct faculty at the University of Denver School of Professional Psychology, continues to write books and articles, and travels nationwide presenting workshops on therapy skills for state psychological associations and mental health professional conferences.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe multiple costs of relying primarily on medications to alleviate negative emotional states.
  2. Utilize the Hand Map to explain how difficulties in a person’s life lead to each of the five negative emotional states.
  3. Identify the three arenas in which conflicts occur.
  4. Clarify the route from problems to depression, and techniques for returning from depression back to well-being.
  5. Explain the route from a problem to anxiety and the subsequent route that brings a return to well-being.
  6. Analyze what stimulates anger and what to do to alleviate the anger.
  7. Recognize several causes of addictive habits and design a plan for ending them.
  8. List five guidelines for preventing marital sexual infidelities.
  9. Identify six safe sentence starters to keep difficult discussions cooperative and productive.
  10. Guide a three-step process that leads to creation of win-win solutions to conflicts, problems, and difficult decisions.


This course is available starting Dec 20th, 2022 and expires Jan 4th, 2031

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NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)

13.5 CE credit hours

Eligible until Sep 28th, 2026

This course has been approved by CE Learning Systems, service provider of, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #107243, CE Learning Systems is responsible for all aspects of their programming.

More Info

Course Material

References begin on page 252.

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Author's website

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Course Number 103252
13.5 CE credit hours
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