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Ethical Courage: Accessing Your Ethical Superpowers

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About the Course

Much has been written on moral courage, especially in the last few years. In this live, interactive webinar, participants will be introduced to the concept of Ethical Courage which is the willingness to take ethical action despite doubts, the risk of fear, or adverse consequence. Ethical Courage requires careful deliberation; assessment of multiple variables; self-regulation; choosing an ethical response; taking action; and evaluating the outcome. Reflecting on the various Ethical Codes for mental health professionals (NASW, APA, ACA, and AAMFT) applicable Ethical Standards are discussed in reference to Ethical Courage. Social Justice, Diversity, Integrity, Competence, and Dignity are some of the ethical values examined. Finally, participants will be introduced to an Ethical Courage Decision Making Model and given opportunities to apply this model to clinical practice.

This course is based on the recorded webinar, Ethical Courage: Accessing Your Ethical Superpowers created by Dayna Guido, MSW, LCSW in 2023.

Publication Date

May 2023

Course Material Author

Dayna Guido, MSW, LCSW, presenter

Dayna Guido, MSW, LCSW, ACSW is a licensed clinical social worker, supervisor, consultant, and trainer. She has a private practice in Asheville, NC specializing in providing clinical supervision and consultation. Dayna has been providing training to professionals for 40 years and was an Adjunct Instructor in graduate programs for 22 years. In her 4th decade working in mental health, Dayna is committed to sharing her clinical knowledge on a broader scope. Her book, Creative Ways to Learn Ethics was an effort to share some of her successful training techniques with helping professionals, educators, and trainers. The book includes 20 different trainings in an easy-to-read guide which can be adapted for professional trainings and work with individual clients, groups, and in supervision sessions. Dayna lives in Asheville, NC. and serves on the NASW-NC Chapter Ethics Committee. She co-authored the book, The Parental Tool Box for Parents and Clinicians. Dayna aspires to use her creative spirit supporting others in pursuit of healthy living.

Dayna Guido, MSW, LCSW authored the material only, and was not involved in creating this CE course. They are identified here for your own evaluation of the relevancy of the material this course is based on.

Course Creator

Dayna Guido, MSW, LCSW

Dayna Guido, MSW, LCSW, ACSW is a licensed clinical social worker, supervisor, consultant, and trainer. She has a private practice in Asheville, NC specializing in providing clinical supervision and consultation. Dayna has been providing training to professionals for 40 years and was an Adjunct Instructor in graduate programs for 22 years. In her 4th decade working in mental health, Dayna is committed to sharing her clinical knowledge on a broader scope. Her book, Creative Ways to Learn Ethics was an effort to share some of her successful training techniques with helping professionals, educators, and trainers. The book includes 20 different trainings in an easy-to-read guide which can be adapted for professional trainings and work with individual clients, groups, and in supervision sessions. Dayna lives in Asheville, NC. and serves on the NASW-NC Chapter Ethics Committee. She co-authored the book, The Parental Tool Box for Parents and Clinicians. Dayna aspires to use her creative spirit supporting others in pursuit of healthy living.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for intermediate and advanced levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Define Ethical Courage as it relates to ethical professional practice.
  2. Explain how to incorporate the ethical standard of Social Justice in clinical practice.
  3. Demonstrate how to use the Ethical Courage Decision Making Model in your practice.


This course is available starting May 31st, 2023 and expires Dec 28th, 2023

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Course Retired

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Course Number 103299
3 CE credit hours
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  • Recorded Webinar
Exam Fee $17.91
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Course Materials $30.00
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