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Strengthening Your Suicide Assessment Skills

About the Course

Are you looking for comprehensive assessment practices for assessing suicide in clients? If so, you will enjoy this recorded webinar where you will learn about comprehensive suicide assessment principles and practices. Evidenced-based screenings and assessments (there is a difference between the two!) will be presented, along with best practices for clinicians to complete a thorough suicide assessment in a conversational, empathetic manner. Case studies will illuminate important aspects of suicidality and assessment. Recommendations such as Donald Meichenbaum’s “The Gold Standard” will be outlined. Learners will develop newfound confidence, skill, and resources to properly assess clients for suicide risk.

This course is based on the recorded webinar, Strengthening Your Suicide Assessment Skills created by Diane Bigler in 2023.

Publication Date

First Jun 2023

Course Material Author

Diane Bigler, LCSW, course creator

Diane Bigler, LCSW, LSCSW, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Missouri and Kansas with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field. She has held clinical positions as an outpatient and in-home therapist, and clinical supervisor. Diane was an Adjunct Professor of Social Work for 10 years at The University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare and a Field Liaison and Field Instructor. She has also held administrative positions as a program Director and Coordinator. Diane is a popular local and national trainer on a wide variety of mental health and workplace development topics for clinicians and corporations. Diane is most passionate about providing quality professional development to clinicians, employees, and leaders.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for intermediate levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Recognize the value and responsibility for thorough suicide screening and assessment as a clinician.
  2. Identify at least two empathic and non-judgmental techniques to elicit suicide risk in each client.
  3. Formulate a minimum of three methods of implementing screenings and assessments to determine a client's suicide risk level and complete necessary documentation.
  4. Explore core fundamentals of suicide, including etiology, risk levels, and motivations.


This course is available starting Jul 27th, 2023 and expires Jul 26th, 2033

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Course Number 103316
3 CE credit hours
Sign in for credit hours relevant to your credentials.

  • Recorded Webinar
Exam Fee $17.91
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Course Materials $30.00
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988 members have taken this course

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