- Requirement Courses:
- Law and Ethics
- Suicide
- Telehealth
Showing 221–240 of 611 courses
Material Cost $30
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
MI and American Indian and Alaskan Native Clients 1.75 credits
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Prescriptions Without Pills 13.5 credits
Material Cost $34
Recovery-focused Mental Health Care Planning and Co-ordination in Acute Inpatient Mental Health Settings 1.75 credits
A Cross National Comparative Mixed Methods Study
No Cost Materials
Psychiatric Disorders Among Older Black Americans 1.5 credits
Within- and Between-Group Differences
No Cost Materials
Are Relaxation Techniques Effective As An Active Ingredient in the Treatment of Adolescents 1.25 credits
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
No Cost Materials
AFFIRM Online: An Intervention to Improve Mental Health, Access, And Engagement Among LGBTQA+ Youth and Young Adults 1 credit
Using an Affirmative Cognitive-Behavioral Digital Intervention
No Cost Materials
Violence Against Older Women 3 credits
A systematic review of qualitative literature
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa 1 credit
A Multiple Baseline Single-case Experimental Design Study Across 13 Cases
No Cost Materials
Matching Response to Need: What Makes Social Networks Fit for Providing Bereavement Support 1.25 credits
No Cost Materials
Showing 221–240 of 611 courses