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Courses applicable to New York CPP

Showing 41–60 of 113 courses

This course examines the risk of alcohol problems and consequences among Hispanic and African American men. It discusses, disparities, socioeconomic status, and discrimination as they pertain to alcohol use. It...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
This course examines whether there are disparities in mutual help participation for substance use problems, including alcohol, among African American, Hispanic, Native American based on race/ethnicity while seeking self-help. It...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This courses discusses the role of behavioral couples treatment where one or more parents in the home have a substance use disorder (SUD) in reducing the risk of child abuse....  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines data from the NIDA Clinical Trials Network tracking substance use disorder in Hispanics. It reviews 24 studies. It includes: participant demographics, drug use, co-morbidities, substance abuse treatment...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examine using motivational interviewing in couples therapy as a way to enhance HIV prevention in gay and bisexual men. MI has been successful in drug treatment. It includes:...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course address numerous theories and models in an attempt to create a unified theory of addiction based on concurrent drug choice tasks and relative value using economic Decision Theory....  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines the risk of substance abuse to adolescents stemming from inappropriate attachment using systems theory and family-based intervention. It includes: Behavior and Exchange Systems Therapy (BEST), attachment, discourse,...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course address culturally adapted cognitive processing therapy (CPT) in treating American Indians and Alaskan Natives with PTSD, substance misuse and HIV sexual risk behavior. It includes: adaptation of CPT,...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines the universal implementation of SBIRT for adolescent alcohol and/or drug users in a school setting. It includes: community partners and school recruitment, screener selection, training and quality...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines how the opioid crisis is impacting the Hispanic/Latino population. It includes: contextual issues related to opioid misuse and OUD in Hispanic/Latino communities, highlights of the national data,...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This material for this course examines issues pertaining to women in recovery groups. The first article tests the efficacy of the Women’s Recovery Group (WRG) vs mixed gender groups. The...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines the family stress model to determine economic impact on alcohol use and drug use in Mexican American. It includes; explanation and use of Family Stress Model, familism...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines vulnerability vs resilience to substance use of at-risk adolescents and whether child maltreatment and father involvement are factors. It includes: child maltreatment and adolescent substance use, the...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines the effects of Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) vs Treatment As Usual (TAU) on parent substance use and adolescent substance use. The authors used effectiveness research to...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course discusses HIV and substance abusing in the aging population. Other comorbidities examined are alcohol and smoking tobacco. The first article includes: the prevalence of substance use among older...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course examines the opioid epidemic and its impact on the Black/African American community. This population has a disproportionate overdose rate for a specific type of opioid. A one-sized fits...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
A response to funding cuts in community mental health has been increased demands on clinicians resulting in an increase in overtime work. Self-report measures were used to explore patterns in...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course discusses contingency management in the behavioral treatment of substance use disorders. It includes a review of the literature, the efficacy of CM, concerns about CM, and next steps...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
This course is a review of pharmacotherapy and medication literature for adolescents. It examines pharmacologic treatments (MAT) for adolescent substance use. It addresses pharmacological intervention research, Ecological Momentary Assessment, current...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online
Although clinical supervision is important for clinical education and clinical implementation in services, little empirical attention has been given to the effectiveness of supervision on improvement of client outcomes. This...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Showing 41–60 of 113 courses

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