The Cultural Adaption of a Sobriety Support App for Alaska Native and American Indian People: 1 credit
Qualitative Feasibility and Acceptability Study
No Cost Materials
Behavioral Addiction from the Asian Americans Perspective: 1.25 credits
Exploration of Public and Help-Seeking Stigma
No Cost Materials
Traumatic Events Social Adversity and Discrimination As Risk Factors for Psychosis - An Umbrella Review 1.25 credits
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Coming Together for Something Good: 1.25 credits
Recommendations from a scoping review for dissemination and implementation science to improve indigenous substance use disorder treatment
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Brief Interventions for Adolescent Alcohol and Substance Abuse - Part 3 8 credits
Chapters 10 through 14
Material Cost $55
What Are the Best Practices for Psychotherapy With Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Canada 1.25 credits
A Thorny Question
No Cost Materials
Attempted Suicide in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: 1.5 credits
A Systematic Review of Research on Protective Factors
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
New Treatment Pathways to Recovery: Medication Assisted Treatment With American Indian Alaska Natives 1.5 credits
No Cost Materials
Substance and Behavioral Addictions Among American Indian and Alaska Native Populations 1.25 credits
No Cost Materials
Re Imagining Mental Health Services for American Indian Communities: Centering Indigenous Perspectives 1.25 credits
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Ethics Cultural Diversity Training: Termination Abandonment Cultural Humility and Ethical Considerations 3 credits
Meets ethics requirement for NY Psychologists
Suicide Interventions for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: A Systematic Review of Outcomes 1.25 credits
No Cost Materials