Evidence supports early intervention for toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but there are many barriers to accessing these services, creating a need for innovative service models to maximize resources...
No Cost Materials
This webinar provides a foundation on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the continuum in which this disorder manifests, specifically focusing on adolescents and young adults. Due to the complexity and...
Understanding the Substance Use of Autistic Adolescents and Adults 1.5 credits
a Mixed-methods Approach
Autistic individuals might be more likely to misuse substances than non-autistic individuals. Better understanding of these patterns can help clinicians identify strategies to reduce substance use, protecting physical and mental...
No Cost Materials
The study comprising this course’s material is an article investigating the documented over-representation of autism in transgender populations and high rate of gender variance in autistic populations, and most importantly...
No Cost Materials